Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Dubai Cultural environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dubai Cultural environment - Essay Example This is because culture may impact effective business performance in case it is not taken into considerations seriously. Dubai people who are the Arabs emphasize on generosity, respect and modesty and a persons’ honor is paramount because it is a way of communicating indirectly. The Arabs consider civility as a significant value and the status of an individual is well taken into considerations. Therefore, before the American Company make decisions of considering Dubai for their international expansion plans; they should fully understand the cultural environment of Dubai. The cultural environment of Dubai is unique because of the way cultural values of the Arabs put value on relationships an evident in which people can integrate work and socializing. The normal working period of the Arabs is from morning up to evening, and in between working period, there is a tea break and lunch break. The Arabs take a long lunch break, which is followed by resting and many breaks for praying. The Arabs beliefs that the long breaks offer a chance for the customers; thus turning out this to be an opportunity for successful business. Therefore, the American company should understand the way the Arabs integrate work and socialization. ... Hofstede carried out research analysis in order to determine significant cultural dimensions. He carried out varied cultural value dimensions that came from IBM labor force surveys that were conducted in more than 50 cultures between 1967 to 1973 (Ghemawat and Reiche 3). The research study aimed to reveal varied cultural dimensions including power distance, individualism or collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity or femininity (Ghemawat and Reiche 3). Therefore, these are among the significant cultural values dimension that the American company should take into considerations before planning to expand their business in Dubai. One of the cultural value dimensions that the American company investors should take into considerations before expanding their business is a high power distance. Power distance is the degree to which a certain culture accepts and reinforces the fact that power is distributed unevenly in the society (Ghemawat and Reiche 3). Therefore, the American Co mpany considering Dubai for its international expansion plans should understand power distance. This is essential because it will enable their business to thrive effectively; thus achieving successful business performance. The American company should understand that power distance is unfairly distributed in Dubai. This is because Dubai is one of the regions that have cultural values and customs that are rooted in Islamic laws. These laws may impact the business in different ways including on the way and when the business is conducted for organization design. Therefore, success of the American company can be based on understanding these differences and the ways Arabs approach situation better or worse than in other cultures. Some power distance varies
Monday, October 28, 2019
Discourse on Modernization Essay Example for Free
Discourse on Modernization Essay The discourse on Modernization was resisted by the Communists led by the USSR through a policy of isolation and xenophobia. The improvement of quality of life Modernization would bring was a threat to their hold on nations. Hence it was against the best interest of Communist governments that their holdings obtain genuine modernization. One major example was the Iron Curtain. Movement of people, goods and information was severely restricted along the east-west Germany border especially during the 50s and 60s. Starting with their refusal to accept Marshall plan aid after World War II, the nations falling under the Iron Curtain refused to have dealings with the west. By breaking contact with the West, they were able to limit the common people’s consciousness the people did not have a basis for comparison to realize how oppressive their lives really were. Another example was the foundation or support of various communist movements all over the World. Many of these organizations received financial and logistical support from the COMINTERN or the KGB. These organizations promoted the Communist ideal often with a nationalist or self-determinist bias. They tried to disparage Western Aid as a form of Imperialism to limit modernization it their respective countries. Shortcoming of the â€Å"modernization theory†: Dichotomy of the â€Å"traditional†and â€Å"modern†5. Cultural Imperialism The Third World in the 1960s: Stagnation of the economic development; political instability Dependency Theory: Emerged in Latin America in the late 1960s Grounded in the neo-Marxist political-economy approach TNCs in the North exercise control, with the support of their respective governments, Over the developing countries by setting the terms of global trade ? developing nations remain â€Å"peripheral†Cultural Imperialism: The cultural aspects of dependency theory Ex: Herbert Schiller (1969) Mass Communications and American Empire US-based TNCs undermine cultural autonomy of the South US communications technology and investment, coupled with the new demand for media products, nessitate large-scale imports of US media products Consumerism is emphasized at the expense of community values
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Ralph Lauren Essay -- essays research papers
Ralph Lauren is American's leading designer in the classic tradition, who has stayed true to his own point of view, despite the seasonal vagaries of fashion. Mr. Lauren has always believed that fashion is function of lifestyle. He believes that clothed should be natural, comfortable and elegant, for the way people live today. His clothes have timeless grace and become more personal and special age. For Mr. Lauren, the starting point is always his concern for quality and attention to detail, while the creative drama comes from his own romantic sense of elegance and reverence for authencity. Always true to his own purely American vision of fashion, his products are nearly as diverse as the country that inspires them. He designs a wide range of products, including menswear, womenswear, boyswear, girlswear, home furnishing, eyewear, scarves, shoes, hosiery, fragrances, handbag, luggage and leather goods. And the stores that carry his products are located across the United States and around the world. MENSWEAR : POLO BY RALPH LAUREN In 1967, the New York born bred Ralph Lauren started the Polo division of Beau Brummel neckties. Ties at that time were in an Ivy League phase-dark, narrow and undistinguished. But, for several years, Mr. Lauren had harbored the nation that the time was right for a new look. And so, he pioneered the wide tie-a four-inch tie made from opulent materials and fabrications that were unheard of in the business. Polo ties soon became the status tie. And Ralph Lauren became the menswear design to watch, as his ties revolutionized the industry. Mr.Lauren had more dreams to fulfill. He chose the name Polo for his line of ties because the sport repsented to him a lifestyle of athletic grace and discreet elegance, an image of men who wore well-tailored, classic clothes and wore them with style. With that image in mind, Mr Lauren established Polo as a separate menswear company in 1968, producing a complete line of men's clothes. Using only the finest fabrications, Mr. Lares's menswear was distinctive, innovative, but always classic and refined. His suits blended the American Ivy League natural shoulder silhouette with the fitted shape and expensive fabrics of the best European custom tailored clothing. His shirts were all cotton, richly patterned and expertly made. This same care was, and still is, applied to every element of... ... Mr. Lauren took a leading position in raising funds to build new exhibit space and a headquarter building for the museum. In 1989, Mr. Lauren united the fashion industry to support Brest cancer research. Through a personal contribution and fundraising, Mr. Lauren successfully launched the Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research at the Lombardi Cancer Research Center at Georgetown University's medical complex in Washington, D.C. The Center is Named for Nina Hyde, the fashion editor of The Washington Post, in recognition to her contributions to cancer research. Mr. Lauren also takes time out to accept a few design project, including costuming all the male Actors in "The Great Gatsby "(1973 and Woody Allen and Dianne Keaton in "AnnieHall"(1971). In 1978, Mr. Lauren designed a uniform program for Trans World Airlines(TWA) that is still in use today. PERSONAL INFORMATION With Demanding work schedules, Ralph Lauren prefers to lead, personal life with his family - his wife Ricky and their three children. They enjoy jogging around the Central Park reservoir near their upper Fifth Avenue apartment in New York City and active weekends at their Colorado ranch.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Satirical Texts: Dead White Males & World of Warcraft Episode
Dead White Males DAVID WILLIAMSON Make Love not Warcraft SOUTH PARK (SEASON 10 EPISODE 8) INTRO The role and function of satirical texts is ultimately to expose the follies and vices that we see today in contemporary society. Satire may be effectively defined as a device used to highlight and the expose the failures of human nature in society.Two texts in particular, Dead White Males by David Williamson and a particular episode of South Park named ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ will be spoken upon, one satirising the follies in the educational system through a very arrogant and narrow minded aspect and the other ridiculing those people who play World of Warcraft. Satirical techniques such as caricature, understatements, situational irony and characterization are all used to effectively satirise and expose human vices and hypocrisy. WoW CARICATUREThroughout the Southpark episode ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ it is evident that it caricatures the stereotypical heavy Worl d of Warcraft players. Through the use of caricature we are able to understand that the social roles of those who partake in the digital game reach a point where they do not leave their keyboard. In this particular text the four main protagonists become increasingly obese, lazy and unsocial. Give an actual example of one of the characters. Explain the caricature – their exaggerated physical attributes and the exaggereated aspects of their personas as WoW players.The follies of the digital world are intemperately exaggerated within the text so as to highlight and reinforce the absurdity of the social and physical sacrifices made by some people in the real world in order to be part of the World of Warcraft. A very visible example of this within the text of ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ is where one of the main protagonists, Cartmen, suggest that they sacrifice all but three hours of their day in order to level up their characters for the following seven and a half weeks in order to face their rival.This is a clear technique of caricature and parody as they reenact what some might do in the real world. DWM CARICATURE In contrast, within the text of ‘Dead White Males’ there is much dramatization surrounding the traditional roles of males and females. Shakespeare argues that from the moment of birth it has been in a males nature to wear boyish clothes and play with toy cars, and in a girls nature to wear skirts and play with dolls. In response to this Swain argues that Shakespeares’ theory was incorrect, rather it was society that had invented the nature in which males and females should act.Angela Judd, the main protagonist in the play questions her grandfather Col on the topic of her father Martin Judd, unemployed and supported by his dominant wife Sarah. Angela quotes: â€Å"He didn’t fit the traditional male role did he? †In return Col argues: â€Å"If you can’t stand up for yourself you sink, male or fe male. †This particular quote by Col reinforces the theory of Swains’ that the way in which males and females were taught to act, this links to the satirical technique of caricature.There is also an element of Inversion within this as the characters have been given opposite roles in order to ridicule. The social roles and behaviours of Angelas’ parents are ridiculed as her mother is portayed as dominant over her father. WoW UNDERSTATEMENT Another satirical technique that is used almost always throughout the South Park series is an understatement. Defined as being the opposite to exaggeration it may be used to address something very casual in a serious manner.An example of this is found midway through the ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ episode whereas one of the main protagonists, Cartmen, addresses his friend Butters in quite a threatening manner, quoting: â€Å"Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer and join the online sensation b efore we all murder you. †This example of understatement links directly back to the technique of caricature, once again highlighting the absurdity of their immoral social behaviour when on the topic of World of Warcraft. DWM CHARACTERIZATIONThroughout the text of ‘Dead White Males’ there is a bitter satirical comment on many of today’s familiar poses of sexual and political rectitude, it also conveys the topics of deconstruction in human nature and the nature of male and female relationships. Grant Swain, a university lecturer takes our attention in both the first and second scene by lecturing us on his subjective views of society and literature. The satirical technique of characterization (THIS IS CARICATURE) portrays Grant Swain as very opinionated, an intellectual fascist who’s goal is to indoctrinate not educate.As the story progresses there are many stereotypes that are formed showing Swain in a very negative light, one of these stereotypes inc ludes that he is an ageing and belittled university lecturer who wishes to achieve a patriarchal and charismatic figure amongst his younger students. It is therefore clear that Grant Swain is used in order to satirise the vices of the educational system. WoW SITUATIONAL IRONY Situational irony, which is also commonly used throughout the South Park series is simply when something happens and as a result the reversal of expectations may occur.Cartmen once again reappears and as before mentioned suggests that the four of them continue to play and level their characters sacrificing all but three hours of their day to the game in order to face their rival, someone who is considered to have no life. Cartmen then quotes: ‘What do you say guys? You can just hang outside in the sun all day tossing a ball around or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters†To the viewers amazement, they do so, linking to the element of Situational Irony and once again back to car icature as their their social behaviours’ alter for the duration of their involvement with World of Warcraft.DWM SITUATIONAL IRONY In contrast, Grant Swain, being previously portrayed as quite opinionated is also characterized to the reader through the use of situational irony. In the first few scenes of the play Swain quotes â€Å"the dominant ideology has constructed a female stereotype†this also links directly back to the dramatization of the traditional roles of sexes. Verbal irony is shown soon after as Angela counters his theory quoting â€Å"your average woman may find swaggering macho master far more attractive than intellect†.This in turn sheds Swain in a negative light as being stereotypical, previously referring to himself as an ‘average woman’, satirising the hypocrisy of humans and in particular linking back to Swains characterization as an intellectual facist. CONCLUSION All things considered through both texts ‘Dead White Males ’ and ‘Make Love not Warcraft’ we are able to understand that the roles and functions of satirical texts in contemporary society are crucially important and particularly illustrated through the use of satirical techniques.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Swot Analysis: Javanet Internet Cafe
SWOT Analysis: JavaNet Internet Cafe Business Overview JavaNet Internet Cafe is to be the first high tech internet cafe in Eugene, Oregon. The cafe will provide computer equipment, as well as high speed internet access as well as coffee and bakery items. The appeal of this company is to provide advanced internet services to the public that may not be affordable in home use. Also, the business plan includes a training staff to assist new internet users in learning the basics of the internet. The goal of this plan is to provide an upscale social and educational environment for those who desire internet access as well as social interaction and technical assistance. Strengths JavaNet has sought out a knowledgeable staff who are eager to teach internet basics to new users. They have purchased state of the art equipment which will appeal to users who may not be able to afford the best equipment in their home or office. The company will offer a higher-class environment than other coffee houses or internet cafes. The amenities will include hard wood tables and booths, track lighting, local art, and upscale coffee house equipment. The business appears to have sufficient capital from grants and investors to maintain operations for the first year. The small scale of the business requires only a small staff, and the business model appropriately includes the necessary management. The market segments are accurately identified as a split between new internet users, and the more experienced â€Å"power users†. The business plan includes appropriate services for both segments. The marketing plan is effective for this type of business. Local advertisement and newspaper ads will be appropriate for the local scale of the business. Weaknesses Like any other technology based company, JavaNet is heavily dependent on a rapidly changing market. Computer technology, to include hardware and software as well as the users evolve very quickly. While computer technology may require the most attention in a dual service business such as this one, the other half should not be neglected. It seems as though not enough thought has gone to the coffee shop aspect of the business. In order to be competitive with the high volume of coffee shops in Eugene, a staff who is knowledgeable and trained in making and serving specialty drinks will also be necessary. Opportunities Since this business was to open in 1998, the demand for public internet access was high. In Eugene, Oregon, JavaNet would be the first cafe to offer internet access as well as specialty coffee. There are several high end coffee suppliers in the region and wholesale cost for quality coffee beans is relatively low compared to resale value. The demand for gourmet coffee is high, and should do well with the quickly growing interest in internet access. At the time, in 1998, home internet access was not affordable for everyone, and the dial up services were certainly not as fast as the T2 connections being offered by JavaNet. Access to new and expensive Software applications would be available to customers that would not normally be available unless the person had access to an office or school computer lab. Threats The greatest threat to this business plan may be offering services that are appealing enough to bring customers from their home to the cafe. As technology advances, the cost of ownership for high tech computing and internet equipment goes down. The equipment that is available in the cafe may soon be available for home purchase at an affordable cost. Having seen the â€Å"future†since the start up of this business, we now know that high speed internet access is available in the home at a very affordable price. Many larger, mainstream food franchises now offer wi-fi (high speed wireless internet access) in their establishments. McDonald's and Starbucks are two of the first companies to offer free wi-fi in almost all of their United States locations. For JavaNet to remain successful and competitive, the owners and staff must continually modify and evolve their business plan to be one step ahead of the services that are offered for in-home use. In 1998, a high speed internet connection along with laser printing and access to popular software, such as Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office applications were not affordable to many for home use. Ten years later, most of these items are commonplace in the home. Another threat will be competition from similar businesses. While JavaNet may be at the front of the Cybercafe wave in Eugene, similar businesses will be starting in the near future. The owners and operators must be able to foresee the competition and have the ingenuity to offer cutting edge services that are not available from the competition. References Internet Cafe Business Plan. (n. d. ). Retrieved July 18th, 2009, from http://www. bplans. com/internet_cafe_business_plan/executive_summary_fc. cfm
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