Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hogarth essays
Voltaire/Hogarth essays Voltaire ranks as one of the most well-known satirists in the history of literature. Many of his comments are as apt today as they were over three hundred years ago when originally written. His play, Candide, is one of the best examples of this literary technique. It includes many double entendres about the Catholic church, government and government officials, women and science that invite laughter, but also serious thought as to the impact these institutions have on everyday life. Or, as it is often said, The truth is said in jest. Candide, a naive young man living in the castle of the Baron of Thunder-Ten-Tronckh in Westphalia, is found kissing the Baron's daughter, Cungonde, and exiled from the castle. He heads off for a series of mysterious and often horrible adventures around the world in a search for Cungonde that eventually leads him to self understanding. One of the ways that satire is used is to exaggerate just enough that it is believable, which is a technique that Voltaire uses early on during Candides adventures when escaping from the Bulgarian Army. This took place while both kings were having Te Deums sung, each in his own camp. When fleeing Candide has to walk over piles of dead and dying soldiers. He looks for help in a local town and found that it had burned down, along with the inhabitants-men and women alike. The narration makes the horror on the verge of humorous by reporting it without emotion or concern. However, this is the way that Candide went through life for so many years, always looking for the good and accepting the bad. What person could take what Candide endured over this work-such beatings and torture. Of course, the largest irony of all is that after all this Candide is not happy to reach his goal Let us work without is the only way to make life endurable. War was only one area that received Voltaires satirical narr...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Globalization to Beat Inequality Essays
Globalization to Beat Inequality Essays Globalization to Beat Inequality Essay Globalization to Beat Inequality Essay Indeed. globalisation is the most popular tendency in international economic sciences. Increasing integrating of universe markets and exchanges of information and engineering are decidedly expected to assist the least developed states. thereby bridging the spread between the rich persons and the poor persons. Therefore. the thesis of Bhagwati’s ( 2004 ) book. In Defense of Globalization – that. in fact. globalisation helps the poorest people of the universe – must be agreed with. After all. foreign direct investings are an extraordinary encouragement for the economic systems of the underdeveloped universe. Furthermore. by importing and exporting more goods and services than earlier. a underdeveloped state may really good increase its income and besides better the criterion of life of its peoples. It is by and large believed that an addition in international trade is accompanied by an addition in income inequality. seeing that the bulk of the people in developing states are hapless and can non afford to buy comparatively expensive foreign goods in the local market. nor form mammoth endeavors to sell to the foreign public. Furthermore. globalisation involves the hazard of foreign companies taking advantage of the undeveloped regulative constructions in developing states. As an illustration. a foreign H2O company in Argentina. after the mass denationalization of Argentine concern. was said to hold been really ethical before it entered Argentina. The company had connexions with France and the United States. All the same. the company turned to hapless service in Argentina shortly after denationalization. The H2O company was finally taken over by the Argentine authorities for its careless. irresponsible behaviour ( Hacher 2007 ) . : If managed right. though. globalisation is expected to assist our universe in important ways. The celebrated observation of Friedman ( 2000 ) must besides be considered in this analysis: No two states with McDonald’s have fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald’s. Indeed. peace is contributing to planetary economic growing. But. so is equality. Even though the spread between the rich persons and the poor persons has been widening in recent old ages. good direction of globalisation may work admirations for the planetary economic system. The World Trade Organization protests globalisation on behalf of the hapless states. As an consequence of globalisation. the developing states – merely because they are making concern with the richer 1s – are asked to accept the criterions of environmental and labour protection that merely the rich states are able to afford at this point in clip. Sing that one of the concomitants to globalisation is acceleration. the World Trade Organization wants to stress that developing states must be given more clip to set to alter. The fact that these states require more clip to set to alter is illustrated by the experience of India with regard to child labour jurisprudence. In point of fact. child labour jurisprudence in India took a long clip to be developed. The jurisprudence was implemented at assorted degrees over the class of many old ages. the ground being that India required kids to work in its mills because of the Indian economy’s dependence on inexpensive labour. Besides. the parents of Indian kids who worked could non afford to back up their kids that did non work ( Pandey 2006 ) . The argument over agricultural trade is by and big the most of import issue for the World Trade Organization to cover with. Piting rich states against the hapless. the argument emphasizes that the world’s poorest states have few exports to offer besides basic agricultural merchandises. Given that international trade is a necessity in today’s internationalized universe. developing states must vie against the elephantine states. such as the United States and Japan. Developed nations support husbandmans with subsidies. If they do non back up their ain husbandmans. the latter would travel out of concern. This aid – amounting to about three hundred billion dollars every twelvemonth – increases the supply of basic agricultural merchandises on the universe market. As the monetary value of agricultural green goods is lowered. it is the hapless states that are hurt. In other words. the mean cow in the European Union receives a day-to-day subsidy of more than two U. S. dollars. and this figure is greater than the day-to-day pay of 20 per centum of the world’s population ( Kaplan A ; Calzonetti 2005 ) . Although Blinder ( 2006 ) is right to province that the developed universe would hold to cover with enormous alteration if offshore outsourcing is extremely popularized in the coming old ages. it is non the rich universe that requires aid at this point in any instance. Furthermore. by largely sing the alterations that the rich universe would hold to see. there is no manner that economic experts would be able to convert the developed states to efficaciously work with the developing states. Therefore. it is indispensable to popularise offshore outsourcing by depicting the benefits that both the developed and the underdeveloped universe would accrue by agencies of it. After all. the developed universe is in an first-class place to allow more occupations to people in the underdeveloped universe. It would surely be a win-win state of affairs. Furthermore. it would assist to bridge the widening spread between the rich persons and the poor persons. thereby guaranting sustainable development excessively. REFERENCES Bhagwati. JN 2004. In Defense of Globalization. Oxford University Press. New York. Blinder. AS 2006. Offshoring: The Following Industrial Revolution? . ’ Foreign Affairs. Mar/Apr 2006. available at hypertext transfer protocol: //www. foreignaffairs. org/20060301faessay85209-p0/alan-s-blinder/offshoring-the-next-industrial-revolution. hypertext markup language. Friedman. Thallium 2000. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization. Anchor Books. New York. Hacher. S 2007. Argentina Water Privatization Scheme Runs Dry. ’ Global Policy Forum. 26 Feb 2007. available at hypertext transfer protocol: //globalpolicy. igc. org/socecon/bwi=wto/wbank/2004/0226argwater. htm. Kaplan. E. A ; Calzonetti. C 2005. The WTO’s Troubled Doha Negotiations. ’ Council on Foreign Relations. 9 Dec 2005. available at hypertext transfer protocol: //www. cfr. org/index. hypertext markup language. Pandey. G 2006. India Tightens Child Labor Laws. ’ BBC News. 10 Oct 2006. available at hypertext transfer protocol: //news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/default. short-term memory.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Apple case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Apple case study - Essay Example Part 1. External Analysis The business environment for Apple Incorporated has become so challenging considering that there are important components in it that needs to be understood in detail. PESTEL Analysis In every business environment, government is an essential component for a successful business implementation. Porter believed that the government has important role to play when it comes to the establishment of a harmonious business environment for every business or industry. Thus, there is no wonder why political consideration has always been an important concern in every business situation. In the case of Apple Incorporated, it is crucial with its business to maintain its identity and this is done through intellectual property management for the designs of its product offerings. In line with this, the government always has political power to include in its policy and procedure for handling business situations. It is also in line with this that there is a higher level of associ ation involved with legal concerns. The legality is necessary because it is through this that a business or organisation can successfully implement the right strategy and procedure. The economic recession in the United States which has affected the entire world economy has also created a chain impact on Apple Incorporated’s financial performance. ... In the case of marketing activity, people are socially aware that it is a matter of idea that can substantially influence their buying power. In line with this, Apple Incorporated considers the most important idea that can create social impacts. The cutting-edge technology of Apple Incorporated can substantially compete with the ongoing trend. This is due to the fact that advancement of technology has become tantamount to the level of progress in everywhere. The corporate social responsibility is one of the latest trends in business. This is due to the fact that there is a need to consider the environment. In fact, businesses are highly influenced by the fact that there is a need to be environmentally concerned and not just purely on making profits. Porter’s Five Forces Porter’s five forces model can substantially explain how competitive rivalry between Apple Incorporated and other manufacturing companies in its industry is formed. Samsung, Nokia and other rivals of App le Incorporated have substantially created specific strategic moves in the market. Considering that these companies are also good at creating demand for their product offerings. Apple Incorporated has been faced by issues concerning the design of its offerings. These companies have essentially copied in detail what Apple has viewed to be remarkably important for its customers. These companies have learned the information that customers are looking forward not only on brand quality but reliability issues and utility issues. Thus, customers have strong market power because of increasing models of product offerings. Competition has become so intense which resulted to Apple’s highly differentiated strategy of stimulating needs for
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Psychological and Biochemical Theories of Violent Behavior Essay
Psychological and Biochemical Theories of Violent Behavior - Essay Example Based upon the information from the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services (2010) the psychological theory of violence in relation to criminal behavior is rooted in the relationship of a person's individual character in relation to his environment. To quote the Ontario Ministry study (2010); â€Å"psychologists focus on how mental processes impact individual propensities for violence. Psychologists are often interested in the association between learning, intelligence, and personality and aggressive behavior. â€Å" The psychological theory is that man was not born a violent creature. Rather, he turns to violence when he does not have any choice due to a lack of certain influences in his life that should have made him or her a peace loving person. Further studies in the area by the Ontario Ministry (2010) show that tests such as ; â€Å"The Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) have frequently been used to assess the personality characteristics of young people. The use of these scales has consistently produced a statistically significant relationship between certain personality characteristics and criminal behavior. ... testing also suggests that crime-prone youth are also impulsive, paranoid, aggressive, hostile, and quick to take action against perceived threats...†However, Masters (n.d.) argues that violence that is triggered in certain individuals is based on his exposure to biochemicals in his daily life. It is Masters belief that brain chemistry, environmental toxins, and violent crimes are all linked in a certain manner.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
General Economic Indices for the Power Tool Market Essay Example for Free
General Economic Indices for the Power Tool Market Essay In assessing the power tool industries, it can be found that there are several general economic indices which have are important in assessing the viability of the industry. There are four of these which could be assessed for the purpose of the Able Corporation as they pursue their goals with their products. These four general economic indices include housing starts, expenditures for residential construction, expenditures for commercial construction, and expenditures for home repairs and improvement. First, the housing start statistics which have become relevant to the industry â€Å"represent the beginning of the construction of new privately owned single-family homes, townhouses, and multifamily apartment buildings†(Frumkin, 2005, p. 132). Moreover, it excludes infrastructures for housing which fall under mobile homes, group quarters, public housing properties, renovations made to existing houses, and converted housing from non-residential to residential housing (Frumkin, 2005). From the historical data presented from the US Census Bureau, there is an erratic trend that can be seen from the year 2004 to 2008. However, it is apparent that there is a continuous decrease from the year 2005 up to the 2008 leaving the year 2004 as the only exception. The respective values for each year are 1,955,800 for the year 2004; 2,068,300 for the year 2005; 1,800,900 for the year 2006; 1,355,000 for the year 2007; and 905,500 for the year 2008 (â€Å"New Privately Owned,†n. d. ). From the trend shown, it is made apparent that the housing units which have been started are becoming lower every year from the US data. Second, there are also relevant data which are made available for the expenditures which are placed for residential repairs and improvement. This type of data shows the amount of money that has been used for the purpose of improving the residential places for purposes of repairs and improvement. For the year 2003, the data shows that $179,700,000,000 has been spent on the first quarter, $173,200,000,000 has been spent on the second quarter, $187,400,000 has been spent on the third quarter, and $166,700,000,000 has been spent on the fourth quarter (US Census Bureau News, 2008). On the other hand, there are costs of $198,900,000,000 for the first quarter, $192,600,000,000 for the second quarter, $202,100,000,000 for the third quarter, and $200,500,000,000 for the fourth quarter (US Census Bureau News, 2008). For the year 2005, the respective value for the first to fourth quarters are $213,600,000,000 $192,800,000,000, $220,900,000,000 and $235,500,000,000 (US Census Bureau News, 2008). For the year 2006, the values for the respective four quarters are $232,200,000,000, $225,000,000,000, $231,000,000,000, and $226,000,000,000 (US Census Bureau News, 2008). As for the year 2007, the value for the first to the fourth quarter is $230,900,000,000, $227,700,000,000, $213,200,000,000, and $236,600,000,000 (US Census Bureau News, 2008). From these values, it is shown that the expenditures for each quarter and across the years are increasing such that there has been more cost spent for this on the latest years of the historical data. Third, the report of the US Census Bureau also shows that there are also expenditures for residential construction which can be studied from the year 2003 to 2007. For the year 2003, the total expenditure is $705,276,000,000. The succeeding values are: $803,305,000,000 for 2004, $897,989,000,000 for 2005, $937,047,000,000 for the year 2006, and $875,010,000,000 for the year 2007 (â€Å"Construction and housing,†2009). While the trend shows that here is a constant increase from the year 2003 to the year 2006, there is a sudden plunge for 2007 which can be accounted to several economic factors that prohibit the construction of new residential infrastructures. Fourth, there is also an economic index available for expenditures on nonresidential units, which is also taken from the US Census Bureau. From the year 2003 to 2007, the respective values are $229,335,000,000, $238,478,000,000, $256,644,000,000, $295,715,000,000, and $349,566,000,000 (â€Å"Construction and housing,†2009). From these data, it can be observed that there is a continuous increase in the amount spent for the purpose of construction nonresidential units. In relation to the power tool market, these economic general indices are considered to be important because of the role it plays in terms of the demand for power tools which are required for construction. The housing start data would dictate how many new power tools may be required together with the amount of expenditures that are seen to be used for improvements and construction of new infrastructures. The fact that power tools are considered to be a necessity for the construction and repair of housing and nonresidential units relates this industry to the construction of housing and nonresidential ones. During cases where there are disparities, it is important to note that these general economic indices will be of great help only when accuracy is present. However, when there are cases where it is difficult to see which of the current findings are accurate, there should be information from other related economic factors that come from the government which could be a reliable source of data. Thus, it can be seen that there are several factors which affect the power tool market considering the economic relations it has with the construction industry. There are several ways through which the economic forecasts for the power tool industry can be obtained in relation to the construction data. References Frumkin, N. (2005). Guide to economic indicators (4th Ed. ). Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe. Newly Privately Owned Housing Units Started. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 23, 2009, from http://www. census. gov/const/startsan. pdf. Section 20: Construction and housing. (2009). Retrieved April 23, 2009, from http://www. census. gov/prod/2008pubs/09statab/construct. pdf. US Census Bureau News. (2008). Expenditures for improvements and repairs of residential properties estimated at $226. 4 Billion in 2007. Retrieved April 23, 2009, from http://www. census. gov/const/c50_curr. pdf.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Heart of Darkness Essay -- essays research papers
When considering a work of literature, the title can be just as important as the context of the story. Literary devices such as contrast and repetition help develop the symbolism of Joseph Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness. The use of contrast can be seen within the differences between the black and white people along with the differences between the civilized and uncivilized. The phrase "Heart of Darkness" itself is repetitious to describe certain places, events, and people. Joseph Conrad successfully relates his title to the African continent, the people, how the people were treated, and the soul of Kurtz. The title can relate to the wilderness in the center of Africa where Marlow is headed. In the story, the commander sees England as many men viewed Africa. It is a "sea the colour of lead" and "sky the color of smoke" which conveys the place as dark and gloomy. Furthermore, Englishmen wanted to colonize Africa and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for the journey. Marlow shows that wilderness really isn't a place for men to be. The sheer size of "darkness" makes the people powerless, despite the fact that they feel that they can make improvements in Africa. Through it all, the darkness provides many challenges for the civilizers and as a result, their conditions become worse, causing them to achieve very little. Wilderness is a very significant symbol becau...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Coca Cola/Pepsico Strategy Analysis
16/10/2012 Saxion University of Applied Science Module International Business Plan – Mr. J. Oude Rengerink IBMS Project 6 – Gr. C1 Analysis International Strategy; Part 1 – Second Version Tim Herbers (153139) Angelika Kuhn (147613) Sebastiaan Prins (112381) Luc Zijlmans (149689) Saxion University of Applied Science Module International Business Plan – Mr. J. Oude Rengerink IBMS Project 6 – Gr. C1 Analysis International Strategy; Part 1 – Second Version Tim Herbers (153139) Angelika Kuhn (147613) Sebastiaan Prins (112381) Luc Zijlmans (149689) | Coca Cola & Pepsi| Analysis International Strategy|Coca Cola & Pepsi| Analysis International Strategy| Index 1. Analysis International Strategy3 2. The Coca-Cola Company & PepsiCo4 3. Marketing5 3. 1 Marketing mix of Coca Cola5 3. 2 Marketing mix of Pepsi7 3. 3 Brand differentiation8 3. 4 Coca-Cola & Pepsi Worldwide8 4. Management9 4. 1 Management Coca-Cola9 4. 2 Management PepsiCo11 4. 3 Management co mpared12 5. Financial Position12 5. 1 Profitability13 5. 2 Liquidity14 5. 3 Solvency15 6. Production16 6. 1 Comparison Production17 7. Research and Development18 7. 1 Research and Development & Sustainability20 8. In Overall21 9. Coca-Cola Company or PepsiCo21 0. References22 1. Analysis International Strategy Before it could be determined whether the Coca-Cola Company or PepsiCo is most suitable for entering a new market, a thorough examination and evaluation of their current (internal) strategy has be performed. Several variables will be researched upon, including Human Resource Management, sustainability and ethics, management aspects (financial part of the business plan), and strategic international marketing position. During this first part we will be answering the question ‘What are the strengths and weaknesses of the companies Coca-Cola and PepsiCo? . 2. The Coca-Cola Company & PepsiCo The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink that is sold in stores, re staurants, and vending machines available in more than 200 countries throughout the world. Nowadays it is rather difficult to think of a country where it is not available. With a portfolio of more than 3,500 beverages, from diet and regular sparkling beverages to still beverages such as 100 per cent fruit juices and fruit drinks, waters, sports and energy drinks, teas and coffees, and milk-and soy-based beverages, their variety spans the globe.The company has 146,200 employees around the world and operates its business for 126 years respectively. Its headquarters is located in Atlanta, USA. In financial circles, Coca-Cola has been one of the strongest and most reliable trading stocks, showing a steady return in all of its years of existence but one. However, Coca Colas market share has slipped, but still dominates in much of Europe and South America. PepsiCo The carbonated soft drink producer sells its products in nearly 200 countries throughout the world. Their product assortment i ncludes 22 brands that each generate more than $1 billion each in annual retail sales.The company employs 297,000 people around the globe and is twice as much as that of Coca Cola and sells its products under the name of Pepsi Cola since 1898. Its headquarters is located in Purchase, USA. Pepsi mostly dominates in Asian markets as compared to Coca Cola. In financial circles, Pepsi is known to provide a steady growth when it comes to sales revenue as well as profit. Their sales revenue in 2011 is one third higher than that of 2008 and a disruption in that trend is not expected by sales forecasts. 3. Marketing 3. 1 Marketing mix of Coca Cola ProductThe Coca-Cola Company’s products consist of beverage concentrates and syrups, with the main product being the finished beverages and can be seen as both business and consumer products. The type of consumer product the Coca-Cola Company creates is convenience product. Convenience products normally require a wide distribution in order to sell sufficient quantities to meet profit goals In addition, the Coca-Cola Company often pays a certain amount to retail stores to resell their product. Therefore the Coca-Cola Company products can be considered a business product.The Coca-Cola Company has a fairly large product mix which contains about 400 brands, including diet and light beverages, waters, juice and juice drinks, teas, coffees, energy, and sports drinks. Since 1960 they have increased their product mix continuously. Place Coca Cola is sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in more than 200 countries. The headquarter is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Promotion Advertising According to Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, â€Å"Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Coca-Cola has used advertising to build an image for its company. Here are some of the types of advertising that Coca-Cola uses: * Television commercial; ga in good marketing coverage by appealing to consumer's senses. * Magazines; geographically and demographically select consumers that it wants to target. * Outdoor advertising; strategic placements achieve high repeat exposure. * Internet; allows customers to become interactive through various games, contests, shopping. Public Relations Coca-Cola handles public relations by including a press centre on its website.This section of the website allows consumers to view press releases, executive speeches, and statements made by the company regarding current information. In the statements, Coca-Cola can address law suits, rumours, stories, new products, and activities. Personal Selling Coca-Cola has many salespeople, who are individuals representing the company to communicate, sell, service, and build relationships with customers. These individuals form close relationships with the customers and visit them not unusual many times per week. Sales promotionCoca-Cola often runs sales with store s to quickly increase sales. Coke gives its product to the retailer for a lower price, and in-turn the retailer sells the product on sale. To advertise for these sales, the retailer generally runs an ad in their store sales circular at attract consumers. Direct Marketing Coca-Cola uses direct marketing in many ways. First, the company partners with various restaurants, movie theatres, etc. to carry its product. This way, when a customer orders a drink, the only brand they are offered is Coca-Cola, which forces them to buy a drink from that brand.By doing this, Coke forces out other competition, and keeps the restaurants, or other businesses, purchasing their product over and over again. Price Average price in the capitals for one can 350ml (2011): Greece, Spain, Belgium: $1. 74 Switzerland:$1. 72 United Kingdom:$1. 54 United States:$0. 79 Russia:$1. 07 India:$0. 36 China:$0. 26 3. 2 Marketing mix of Pepsi Product The Pepsi-Cola drink contains basic ingredients found in most other si milar drinks including carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, colourings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavours.The caffeine free Pepsi-Cola contains the same ingredients but no caffeine. Pepsi’s most popular product range include Diet Pepsi, Gatorade, Mountain Dew, Thirst Quencher, Tropicana, Aquafina Bottled Water, Sierra Mist, Fritos Corn chips, Cheetos, Ruffles Potato Chips, Lays Potato Chips, Tostitos, Doritos. Place Pepsi is sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in nearly 200 countries. The headquarter is located in Purchase, New York. Promotion Advertising Likewise Pepsi has used advertising to build an image for its company. * Television commercial; gain good marketing coverage by appealing to consumer's senses. Magazines; geographically and demographically select consumers that it wants to target. * Outdoor advertising; strategic placements achieve high repeat exposure. * Internet; allows customers to become interactive t hrough various games, contests, shopping. Public Relations Pepsi gets involved in Public Relations via social networks like Facebook. Community services as well as social campaigns are addressed on the company’s internet page. Personal Selling In order to keep up with the core competition, Pepsi’s salespeople are inevitable building similar relationships with customers like Coca Cola.Sales promotion Sales promotion is similar to that of Coca Cola. Direct Marketing The direct marketing strategy is equally to that of Coca Cola. Price Average price in the capitals for one can 350ml (2011): United Kingdom:$0. 38 United States:$0. 79 Canada:$1. 02 Egypt:$0. 66 India:$0. 12 China:$0. 10 3. 3 Brand differentiation Brand differentiation takes place after understanding what the customers wants and therefore meeting the core need. Pepsi and Coca-Cola are popular black soft drinks and mostly contain sugar and water with a slightly difference in taste.Although the ad campaigns run by both companies would have people think otherwise, the soft drink similarities are striking. A study found that 80 per cent of people cannot differentiate a sample of Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) from a sample of Pepsi. In essence, it does not matter how the DNA of the product looks like, but how it is presented. On the one hand there is Coca-Cola, the secret inventor of cola, the original product since the establishment on the market. Pepsi, on the other hand, was born a few years after Coke and stands for something new. It markets its product being committed for a new generation.Pepsi does have a slight advantage over Coke in diversification. Pepsi has snack food brands such as Frito-Lay and Quaker. They also own the brands that make beverages such as Gatorade, Tropicana and Naked Juices. While Coke hasn’t tapped the snack food market, they do have some beverage diversification. Dasani bottled water, PowerAde and Minute Maid juices are all part of Coca-Cola. 3. 4 Coca-Cola & Pep si Worldwide The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo both have very successful drinks. Although Coca-Cola is greater than PepsiCo as a company as well as the amount of brands/drinks, their drinks are quite similar and therefore comparable.They also have a wide range of promotional activities. They use practically all communication mediums there are and invest huge amounts in building customer relationships. Coca Cola and Pepsi are sold in around the 200 countries worldwide. Both headquarters are located in the United Stated. The price of Coca Cola is more expensive than Pepsi in most countries. Since most people cannot taste the difference between the two, the difference in price lies with that Coca Cola is more known and wins from Pepsi on image. It is seen as a slightly ‘better' brand. . Management 4. 1 Management Coca-Cola Management Every company needs a strategy, to ensure that everything goes well within the firm. Strategic management affirms the company being well organized a nd no detail being left out. It is essential to make sure that the company is doing well internally. Business start up Coca-Cola was first introduced by John Smyth Pemberton. The distribution took place by carrying the product in a jig down the street to Jacob’s Pharmacy, where people were buying the drink for five cents at the soda foundation. StrategyNowadays, the Coca-Cola Company operates in more than 200 countries and markets more than 500 brands. Hereunder, four of the world’s top five soft drinks brands, which explains the enormous success and makes them to the world’s largest beverage company. The unique brand is consistently offering products of the highest quality and delivers creative and innovative marketing programs worldwide. The global availability and ongoing innovation, continually provides its consumers with new product offerings, with each country having its own unique needs and requirements.Mission * To refresh the world†¦ * To inspire m oments of optimism and happiness†¦ * To create value and make a difference. | Vision * People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. * Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs. * Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. * Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. * Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. | Values * Leadership: The courage to shape a better future * Collaboration: Leverage collective genius * Integrity: Be real * Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me * Passion: Committed in heart and mind * Diversity: As inclusive as our brands * Quality: What we do, we do well Structu re The Coca-Cola’s primary business consists of manufacturing and selling beverages.The company sells their concentrates and syrups to bottling partners, which have the authorization of manufacturing, distribution and selling branded products to consumers around the globe with supreme quality and service. The relationship with its bottlers worldwide is a key source of strength and is referring to ‘the Coca-Cola system’. Culture The organizational culture describes the way a business does things, including patterns of behaviour and relationships. Therefore, the employees of the Coca-Cola Company are the most important asset, highlighting teamwork and empowerment.Not only employees, but also customers and bottling partners feel valued in this friendly, trustful and innovative culture and their motivation provides the engine that drives the Company’s growth. Based on relationships, The Coca-Cola Company provides a number of open communication channels as mont hly leadership team meetings and employee team briefing sessions and surveys to monitor employee views and feelings. 4. 2 Management PepsiCo Business start up Pepsi was first introduced as ‘Brad’s Drink’ by Caleb Bradham in 1893. The drink was produced and sold in his drugstore. StrategyThe company operates in more than 200 countries. PepsiCo has competitive advantage in the beverage industry because of big brands, proven innovation and differentiated products. Their strong brand, socially responsible employees and corporate beliefs continues its stance as one of the most powerful companies in the world. Mission Our mission is to be the world's premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate.And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity. Vision â€Å"PepsiCo's responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate – environment, social, economic – creating a better tomorrow than today. †Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company. Goals and Values Ensure high levels of associate engagement and satisfaction compared with other Fortune 500 companies * Foster diversity and inclusion by developing a workforce that reflects local communities * Encourage our associates to lead healthier lives by offering workplace wellness programs globally * Ensure a safe workplace by continuing to reduce lost time injury rates, while striving to improve other occupational health and safety metrics through best practices * Support ethical and legal compliance through annual training in our code of conduct, whic h outlines PepsiCo's unwavering commitment to its human rights policy, including treating every associate with dignity and respect Structure This adaptive organization is continuously seeking for improvement and keeping new ideas in the marketplace. PepsiCo has a decentralized organizational structure. Operational decisions are being made within the separate business units while being governed by policies at the corporate level. Culture PepsiCo offers a culture that encourages initiative, risk taking and access to decision makers.Employees have superior opportunities to pursue their goals. The company considers their culture as fairly uniform. â€Å"Extremely competitive and very focused†. Trust, respect, fairness and teamwork are being valued. Managers must be able to attract, retain and develop talents in order to achieve efficient and effective results, which are significant for PepsiCo’s expectations. Benefits as bountiful retirement packages, tuition reimbursement and legal assistance programs are being praised by their employees. 4. 3 Management compared Each company tries to outdo each other and tries to produce the best product. The battle of the two companies gives life to the industry.Both companies have a long history and have been tried and tested. The two are showing social responsibility in the community and have invested heavily in recycling programs. However, The Coca Cola Company is the market leader. It has built internal and external structures to support the delivery of its business goals. It has the best structure of supporting growth, allowing attention to local requirements and building on a clear strategic direction from the centre at the same time. To build its growth on, the company has a firm foundation of relationships and open communication channels. 5. Financial Position What is the financial position of PepsiCo?The last year’s PepsiCo has been a very financially healthy company. But like many companies also P epsiCo suffered a bit from the financial crisis. If we first look at the income statement of PepsiCo we can see that PepsiCo is now recovering from the blow they took from the financial crisis and are increasing their revenue and profits. They are recovering by spending more money on their marketing in their home market and also doing more investments then the years before. In 2009 investments were only 2. 1 billion and in 2011 their 3. 4 billion. This strategy is helping them to get back on track. We can see this strategy back in their cash flow statement and in their balance sheet.What is the financial position of Coca-Cola Company? The Coca-Cola Company has always been market leader with their coke and has always been a very strong company, not just financially but also their brand name is very strong. Even though they have a very strong brand name they took a blow in 2008 with the economic crisis and had to cut their costs and investments substantially. In 2011 their managed to get their revenue up by 11 billion but their profit stayed the same as in 2010. This was because they started to invest more; this is something that the competitor PepsiCo did as well. So both companies are recovering and doing well. 5. 1 Profitability PepsiCo Inc. , profitability ratios  | Dec 31, 2011| Dec 25, 2010| Dec 26, 2009| Dec 27, 2008| Dec 29, 2007|  | Return on Sales| | Gross profit margin| 52. 49%| 54. 05%| 53. 51%| 52. 95%| 54. 30%| | Operating profit margin| 14. 48%| 14. 41%| 18. 61%| 16. 09%| 18. 19%| | Net profit margin| 9. 69%| 10. 93%| 13. 75%| 11. 89%| 14. 33%|  | Return on Investment| | Return on equity (ROE)| 31. 29%| 29. 86%| 35. 38%| 42. 47%| 32. 83%| | Return on assets| 8. 84%| 9. 27%| 14. 92%| 14. 29%| 16. 34%| Coca-Cola Co. , profitability ratios |  | Dec 31, 2011| Dec 31, 2010| Dec 31, 2009| Dec 31, 2008| Dec 31, 2007|  | Return on Sales| | Gross profit margin| 60. 86%| 63. 86%| 64. 22%| 64. 39%| 63. 4%| | Operating profit margin| 21. 82%| 2 4. 06%| 26. 56%| 26. 44%| 25. 13%| | Net profit margin| 18. 42%| 33. 63%| 22. 02%| 18. 18%| 20. 73%|  | Return on Investment| | Return on equity (ROE)| 27. 10%| 38. 09%| 27. 52%| 28. 37%| 27. 51%| | Return on assets (ROA)| 10. 72%| 16. 19%| 14. 02%| 14. 33%| 13. 82%| In the table’s you can see the most important profitability ratios for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Company. The gross profit margin indicates the percentage of revenue that is used to cover operating and other expenses. For the last years Coca-Cola always had the better profit margin ratio because they do not have such a diverse product range as PepsiCo does.PepsiCo also works in other markets like cereal and potato chips where the gross profit margins are usually lower. This accounts for all of the return on sales ratios. The return on investments are not very different for both companies but PepsiCo did some major investments in equity the last few years and they still managed a very high return on equity which a good result. Both companies have good returns on their investments. We can clearly see that Coca-Cola has a higher profitability; a big difference is the net profit margin where they score much better then PepsiCo. But both companies are doing very well profitability wise. 5. 2 Liquidity PepsiCo Inc. , liquidity ratios  | Dec 31, 2011| Dec 25, 2010| Dec 26, 2009| Dec 27, 2008| Dec 29, 2007| | Current ratio| 0. 96| 1. 11| 1. 44| 1. 23| 1. 31| | Quick ratio| 0. 62| 0. 80| 1. 00| 0. 79| 0. 89| | Cash ratio| 0. 24| 0. 40| 0. 47| 0. 26| 0. 32| Coca-Cola Co. , liquidity ratios |  | Dec 31, 2011| Dec 31, 2010| Dec 31, 2009| Dec 31, 2008| Dec 31, 2007| | Current ratio| 1. 05| 1. 17| 1. 28| 0. 94| 0. 92| | Quick ratio| 0. 78| 0. 85| 0. 95| 0. 62| 0. 58| | Cash ratio| 0. 58| 0. 61| 0. 67| 0. 38| 0. 33| The current ratio of PepsiCo is a shock because looking at this number they have serious liquidity problem. It took a major blow from the economic crisis looking at numbers from 2007 and 2008 when the current ratios were at a much more healthy level.Also Coca-Cola’s current ratio’s is much lower than it used to be but when we look at the current ratio in 2008 and 2007 the ratio was lower than it is now so it might be that this is not an unusual position to be in for Coca-Cola . The quick ratio shows if a company can currently pay back their current liabilities. Both companies are not able to do this but for big companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo this is a normal quick ratio and they do not have something to worry about. The Cash ratio of PepsiCo is much lower than Coca-Cola this might also be the cause for their low current ratio they do not have a lot of cash on their bank but they use it mostly for investments. Overall the liquidity position of Coca-Cola is better and Pepsi might need to reconsider to improve their liquidity position. 5. 3 SolvencyPepsiCo Inc. , debt and solvency ratios |  | Dec 31, 2011| Dec 25, 2010| Dec 26, 2009| Dec 27, 2008 | Dec 29, 2007| | Debt to equity| 1. 30| 1. 18| 0. 47| 0. 68| 0. 24| | Debt to capital| 0. 57| 0. 54| 0. 32| 0. 40| 0. 20| | Interest coverage| 11. 32| 10. 12| 21. 35| 22. 41| 35. 12| Coca-Cola Co. , debt and solvency ratios |  | Dec 31, 2011| Dec 31, 2010| Dec 31, 2009| Dec 31, 2008| Dec 31, 2007| | Debt to equity| 0. 90| 0. 76| 0. 48| 0. 45| 0. 43| | Debt to capital| 0. 47| 0. 43| 0. 32| 0. 31| 0. 30| | Interest coverage| 28. 43| 20. 43| 26. 20| 18. 14| 18. 37| PepsiCo finances their company more with equity and capital than Coca-Cola Company does.You can see this when you look at the debt to equity and debt to capital ratio which are much higher in the case of PepsiCo especially the debt to equity this is because of the big investments in equity that PepsiCo did this year and last year. Even though the Coca-Cola Company is financed more by loans, this is not a problem for Coca-Cola because their interest coverage ratio is very high and their profits have been an in stable grow th as where PepsiCo has a much lower interest coverage ratio which is declining every year since the start of the economic crisis. 6. Production Intangible resources Coca-Cola is the absolute leader in the carbonated soft-drink market and is recognised as the most valuable brand worldwide. The company? greatest strengths are in its intangible resources. Because of the great reputation and image, they differentiate themselves from competitors like Pepsi. Coca-Cola can be bought in almost every country worldwide and is available in practically all snack shops, supermarkets, train stations, and so on. This success exists because the huge investments in marketing and Coca-Cola's distribution systems. Customers of Coca-Cola are generally very loyal, more loyal than the Pepsi customers. Coca-Cola also gains competitive advantage by excelling in their brand image (strategy). They invest a lot in marketing and brand awareness, (Coca-Cola is a lifestyle†).Another competitive advantage is the 400 licenses and patents on different formulas (ingredients Coca-Cola) and other drinks and brands which fall under the Coca-Cola Company. PepsiCo is also operating on a global basis. The competition between the two is heavy and just like Coca-Cola, Pepsi drinks are available in almost every nation, in almost every food and drink store. Although fulfilling a similar position as Coca-Cola in their market, PepsiCo has a rough opponent with Coca-Cola. The past several years, PepsiCo is not as profitable as before and has more and more trouble with competing with Coca-Cola, also because of the high investments of Coca-Cola in marketing. Therefore, their brand equity is developing negatively. Also PepsiCo’s intellectual property is great.Coca-Cola is more seen as a phenomena than a brand, and this is a competitive advantage for PepsiCo as well. Many establishments over the world offer Cola, and provide customers with PepsiCo mainly because this is less expensive. As already mentioned earlier, most people cannot distinguish Coca-Cola from PepsiCo, therefore gains PepsiCo competitive advantage at the expense of Coca-Cola. Human Capital The whole Coca-Cola Company has over 140,000 employees worldwide. Remarkable is that PepsiCo around the 30% greater workforce has, although their market share is considerably smaller. Unless the efficiency rate per employee of PepsiCo is much higher than that of Coca-Cola, this causes the company to have very large expenses in labour terms.To safeguard future long-term objectives, the companies both choose to keep a diverse workforce. Employees get relatively much responsibility (empowerment) and are encouraged, inspired and challenged to learn, be innovative, be original, and to promote themselves within the company. This creates extra value for both companies because employees are more loyal. Physical capital The physical capital of Coca-Cola is huge. The Company owns over many facilities in more than 200 countries worl dwide where the bottling, canning, syrup manufacturing, and administrative aspects are being dealt with. Only the bottlers where the products are manufactured and distributed mounts up to 275 facilities over the world.All those facilities are brought under five geographic operating segments (North America, Africa, Asia, Eurasia and the Middle East, and Latin America) and one corporate segment. The bottling partners are local companies, totally integrated and operating in line with their local markets. Also PepsiCo’s distribution system covers a wide range of certified bottlers, selling products in over 200 countries on six continents to businesses and institutions, including retail chains, supermarkets, restaurants, small neighbourhood grocers, sports and entertainment venues, schools and colleges, etc. 6. 1 Comparison Production These good resources ensure overall quality, flexibility and responsiveness in respect to local markets.They are integrated in their market worldwid e with continuous supply. Brand image and human capital are aspects which safeguards profitable future prospects with a sustainable competitive advantage. Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi have a massive amount of employees working for the company worldwide. This is also necessary because the employees contribute for a large part to business successes. Remarkable is the 30% greater workforce of PepsiCo. This is an alarming situation because the expenses of labour is large. Because they are both very successful and such immense companies, brand image, presence in geographical markets, distribution systems are all well-organised and difficult to compare.The end results of Coca-Cola in financial-, as well as non-financial aspect are better than those of PepsiCo on almost every terrain. 7. Research and Development How sustainable is PepsiCo? (Continuous improvement/New flavours) PepsiCo is a company with a wide variety of products and in all their market segments they are an A brand. When it com es to research and development you can see that PepsiCo is one of the best. They have multiple research and development facilities especially in the United States with many highly skilled scientists working there every day trying out new flavours and new products. The company even has its own university to train their staff.At this university which was opened in 2011 the scientist of PepsiCo receive training about 8 main items which are: packaging, Nutrition, Food Safety and Regulatory, Ingredient Application Science, Human Research and Science, Experience Design, Product Development and Process Engineering. They create new flavours every day and they launch a new flavour a couple times a year. They carefully create their flavours for specific markets so they meet the exact needs of the customers in that country. Another thing that PepsiCo strives to do is continuously improve their existing product and their existing processes. They do this for instance by giving training to their employees and giving their mangers goals to make sure they improve every year. How sustainable is the Coca-Cola Company? Continuous improvement/New flavours) Coca-Cola might not have as many R;D facilities as PepsiCo but their output of new products and new flavours is bigger than PepsiCo. This mostly caused by the fact that the Brand Coca-Cola is much more than just a brand. They also sell T-shirts and other product of their brand that they develop. Things like vending machines and packaging are things that Coca-Cola focuses on with their R;D while PepsiCo is more focussed on their product range. Coca-Cola is so settled as a brand that the most of their R;D is almost marketing. Like new cloth lines and new packaging for their products and off course new vending machines which will not only benefits the customers but also carries a message.Of course Coca-Cola Company also develops new flavours and new product they do this the same way as PepsiCo they look at the specific needs of th e inhabitants of a country and create a new flavour or product based on those needs. Coca-Cola also PepsiCo strives to do is continuously improve their existing product and their existing processes. They do this for instance by giving training to their employees and giving their mangers goals to make sure they improve every year. Does PepsiCo have a green vision? PepsiCo is fully committed to protecting the earth's natural resources through innovation and the efficient use of land, energy, water and packaging in all our operations.As a global business, they rely on the earth's natural resources. And as they grow, they strive to use only methods and tools that are, socially responsible and economically sound. PepsiCo has multiple categories where they are becoming more and more sustainable, the first category in which they have goals for improvement is water usage. PepsiCo's goal to improve water-use efficiency by 20 per cent per unit of production by 2015 . PepsiCo has already impro ved water-use efficiency by 18. 7 per cent for foods manufacturing, and 17. 8 per cent for beverage manufacturing. These conservation efforts translate to a water savings of nearly 13. 8 billion litres.Also waste management is very important for them. In 2010, PepsiCo generated an estimated 1. 25 million metric tons of solid waste from the manufacturing facilities. Of that total, only 15. 4 per cent was discarded to a landfill, and 84. 6 per cent of waste generated was sent off-site for beneficial use, such as recycling. In the future they are still looking to improve those numbers. Also they keep a close eye on their carbon emission. They have multiple on-going projects in many different countries that will help them decrease their Co2 emission and their effect on the global climate change. They have set 4 worldwide goals for their company. * Reduce carbon intensity in our operations Invest in carbon reduction technologies, including renewable fuel technology and clean development mechanisms * Reduce fugitive emissions * Work with supply-chain partners to reduce their emissions You can see that PepsiCo is company that has very sustainable supply chain and is still trying to improve their sustainability and decrease their emissions. Does the Coca-Cola Company have a green vision? Coca-Cola company is the largest beverage producer in the world and because of that they feel that they have responsibility to make the world a little bit better. They invest a huge amount of money in project on sustainability all over the world.Every year they also create a sustainability report about all they project and what they have achieved that year, also they describe their new project and they set goals for the coming year. In the figure to the right can be seen that they have created a visual concept of the Coca-Cola lifecycle which perfectly shows the way they work on their sustainability. 7. 1 Research and Development & Sustainability Both companies are constantly working on a better position in the market, improve the production and distribution processes, become more sustainable through innovation and participation onto the market. As it comes to sustainability PepsiCo is far behind on Coca-Cola even tough PepsiCo is already a very sustainable company Coca-Cola is really trying to make the world a better place.In total we can see that Coca-Cola is a more sustainable company than PepsiCo, and gives more back to the community. This is also one point why Coca-Cola is a brand which more people adore. 8. In Overall Although the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo seem to be quite similar in operating, distributing, production, marketing, and naturally the drinks themselves, they differ from each other on several aspects. Below, a table which gives an overview of important differences between the two competitors. | Strength| Weakness| Coca-Cola| 1. Over 500 brands in product line2. Strong global presence3. Excellent brand recognition4. Industry leader in marke t| 1. Negative publicity2. Supply is restricted3.Low profits in strong areas4. Decline in cash flow| Pepsi| 1. Company Image2. Quality Conscious3. Market Share4. Sponsorships| 1. Decline in taste2. Short term approach3. Weak distribution4. Low consumer knowledge| 9. Coca-Cola Company or PepsiCo We have seen all the strong and the weak points of both companies in all the analyses in this project. We have decided to go on with the Coca-Cola Company. This is mainly because of better financial position that Coca-Cola Company has over PepsiCo. Especially profitability and liquidity wise they have a much better position than PepsiCo does and we think this will be an advantage when we are going to write a business plan.PepsiCo also has a more diverse product mix than Coca-Cola because PepsiCo also has brands in markets like breakfast cereal and potato chips whereas Coco-Cola is only active in markets like soft drinks and sports drink where they have a lot of experience. We think that exper ience that they have because the specialized in drink markets only will be a huge advantage over PepsiCo when they are going to enter a new market. These are the two main differences between the very similar companies that made us decide that Coca-Cola Company is the better option to attack a new market. 10. References http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values. html http://www. pepsico. com/annual11/downloads/PEP_AR11_2011_Annual_Report. pdf http://www. ehow. com/about_5089164_business-resources-definition. html http://premiumwritingservice. om/attachments/article/491/CocaColaInternalAnalysis. pdf http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/pdf/COBC_English. pdf http://www. scribd. com/doc/28092994/Comparative-Analysis-of-Pepsi-and-Coke http://www. pepsi. com/ http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values. html â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â €œ [ 1 ]. http://www. pepsico. com/annual11/downloads/pep_ar11_2011_annual_report. pdf [ 2 ]. http://www. stock-analysis-on. net/ [ 3 ]. http://www. stock-analysis-on. net/ [ 4 ]. http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/innovation_marketplace. html [ 5 ]. http://www. pepsico. com/Purpose/Environmental-Sustainability/Climate-Change. html
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Organizational Focus and Goals Essay
Forte is a nonprofit organization in its infancy. The organization is only three years old and has already seen substantial changes to its structure and business strategy. Currently, Forte is mostly unknown. However, this past year the organization took a huge leap in firing its Artistic Director and choreographer and hiring a new Artistic Director and choreographer. Both new additions bring a wealth of knowledge of the performing arts industry that has catapulted Forte to setting their sights higher than the two performances a year. In the past two years the organization was funded primarily through parental donations, which were small and only allowed the organization to perform twice a year. This past year with the addition of the new employees, the organization saw ticket sales increase tremendously and interest from many more students in joining. CURRENT FOCUS AND GOALS Forte is focused on gaining a reputation within the performing arts community. As a young organization located in a small community, it is imperative that the organization remain focused on establishing the company’s reputation. The goals of Forte are now to be able to increase the student membership, increase the amount of performances per year, and to increase funding to make the other two goals possible. TRAINING NEEDS Forte is a very young organization with a board of directors that are in desperate need of training. The knowledge that is lacking within this board of directors is staggering. â€Å"Training refers to a planned effort by the company to facilitate employees’ learning of job-related competencies†(Noe, 2008, p. 4). The board handles all the business end of the organization with little knowledge of what is available to them. Training in two areas is suggested. Those two areas are educating the board on best practices in producing a production and in communication standards and ethics. As no current board member is educated in the performing arts, they are hemorrhaging money on expenses that are not needed. Training in where to buy and rent production equipment is an area with huge opportunity to cut costs and improve the quality. By improving the quality of production equipment and cutting costs, the organization will have more money to spend in other areas such as set design and costumes as well as space rentals for performances. By educating the board on proper communication standards schedules can be met and instruction from the artistic director and choreographer will improve. As it stands now, far too much rehearsal time is spent with the board asking questions and interrupting rehearsals. By training in effective communication between the employees and board, the time taken away from instruction will increase, increasing the talent of the organization. EFFECTS THE FOCUS AND GOALS HAVE ON PRIORITIZING THE TYPE AND AMOUNT OF TRAINING Forte’s focus and goals affect the type of training and amount of training needed. Because Forte desires to gain a wider reputation and increase available performances, the training needs to be comprehensive and happen quickly. Both the new Artistic Director and choreographer have taken several board members into a sort of internship for this year. This on the job training will accomplish in a short amount of time the massive training needed. PRIORITIZING TRAINING NEEDS Forte will prioritize those areas that will direct the finances of the winter season first. Gaining a handle on the hemorrhaging funds is a top priority in order to allow those funds to be put to better use. In order to progress to the goals of the organization, it is suggested the training prioritize the financial aspects of training first. As it stands now, this is the largest area of opportunity for training and the largest area of opportunity for growth. CONCLUSION Training develops the skills needed to perform job-related tasks efficiently and effectively which directly affects the organization. (Noe, 2008) Training also creates a positive work environment. Creating a positive work environment attracts talented employees and customers. Forte seeks to attract more talented performers. In order to this, training in how to produce a performing arts production properly needs to happen, or the talent will not join. Reference Noe, R. A. (2008). _Employee Training and Development_ (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin..
Friday, November 8, 2019
Chinese Martial Arts Essays
Chinese Martial Arts Essays Chinese Martial Arts Essay Chinese Martial Arts Essay We commonly call Chinese martial art’s kung-fu but literally that means hard work for those that doesn’t know. The term kung-fu was made popular during the Bruce Lee era in which the westerners were first exposed to his amazing fighting abilities. The correct terms for Chinese martial arts are either wushu, which means martial art, or koushu, which translates to national or military art. The first written history of Chinese martial arts comes from the reign of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty (1122-255 BC). Huangdi was a famous military general, before becoming China’s leader and wrote a treaty about martial arts. He is also known to be the founder of china’s oldest known martial art called chang quan (long fist). Chinese martial arts are often separated into two categories one is external and the other is internal. External Chinese martial arts are those that use muscular force, combined with speed and sheer strength to produce power. External Chinese martial arts are known by their area of origin in china. For example, famous external northern Chinese martial arts include the preying mantis, chang quan (long fist), monkey (tai shing pekwar), are mostly northern shaolin arts. Southern Chinese martial arts are mainly the southern shaolin temple arts, such as choy li fut, hung gar, wing chun and hung fut. Many northern Chinese external martial arts have military origins, because china was governed from the north, with armies originating in northern cities, then extending in southern regions to enforce the dictates of northern rules. Southern Chinese martial arts were originally the defense methods of farmers and everyday men. Now then on to Internal martial arts. They use what the Chinese call chou jing, or wise force, to overcome their opponents. They actively combine qu (chi) energy, often considered our basic life-force energy, with muscle strength to produce power. Arts such as taiji quan (tai chi chuan), xingyi (hsing-i), bagua (pa kua) and shuai jiao (Chinese wrestling) are the best known Chinese internal martial arts. Today’s common internal Chinese martial arts have their origins in northern china and always contain some amount of internal training alongside fighting practice. That internal training often includes standing meditation and special qi (chi) developing exercises. Chinese martial arts are known by their circular arm and hand movements. Northern styles are famous for high, powerful kicks. Many Chinese arts imitate the fighting tactics of fierce or clever animals, such as dragon, tiger, leopard, prying mantis, crane, or monkey.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Chemical Change Examples in Chemistry
Chemical Change Examples in Chemistry Chemical changes involve chemical reactions and the creation of new products. Typically, a chemical change is irreversible. In contrast, physical changes do not form new products and are reversible. Some Common Chemical Changes The rusting of ironCombustion (burning) of woodThe metabolism of food in the bodyMixing an acid and a base, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH)Cooking an eggDigesting sugar with the amylase in salivaMixing baking soda and vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gasBaking a cakeElectroplating a metalUsing a chemical batteryThe explosion of fireworksRotting bananasGrilling a hamburgerMilk going sour Less-familiar chemical reactions are also examples of chemical changes. While its not always easy to tell a chemical change has occurred (as opposed to a physical change), there are some telltale signs. Chemical changes may cause a substance to change color, change temperature, produce bubbles, or (in liquids) produce a precipitate. Chemical changes can also be considered to be any phenomenon that allows a scientist to measure chemical properties.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Propaganda and British Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Propaganda and British Cinema - Essay Example It mostly applies to the human sense of sight. British film descended from French Lumiere brothers in 1892 and their first show was in 1896.The first moving picture was in 1889.The founder and the leader of documentary movement was John Grierson.He had the believe that film and documentary film could make a significant impact in the society by providing an effective medium between the state and the public. The government used the authors and actors of films to execute its propaganda agenda. J and Church -Gibson (1995) During Second World War, Movies were mainly used to promote the popular image of the nation and emphasize on patriotism. These films were about people affected by the war and the effect of war in the society. The Second World War pushed the issue related with censorship to the periphery and this led to direct intervention of the government. The movies at this period combined propaganda on behalf of war effort with dramatic action, romance and other features of entertainment movies. Adler, A. Jay (2004) In the mid nineteen hundred and twenties British cinema was loosing to the Hollywood. There was also war propaganda which was depicted by these movies. Propaganda is highly practical since it is both hidden and clear. Propaganda can be good or can be bad, democratic or totalitarian. Aldgate Anthony (1994) The cinema emerged as one of mass entertainment which had great acceptance among the population. Movies developed from a less developed entity to an important mean of communication, entertainment and mass production. Motion pictures films have significantly contributed in art, politics and technology in twentieth century. J and Church Gibson (1995) The production of the cinema was cheap and quick and the aim was to achieve the quota of twenty percent of screen space in Britain to be reserved to English film production. The first English sound tape was produced in 1929 by Hitchcock .Hitchcock was an artist who has experienced great Germany expressionism. He designed each stage including the minute detail which enhanced forcing of the intensity on the screen. The details included the scenery, music, soundtrack, actors and other obligatory. It so gracefully united horrifying, absurd and the idealistic features in such pictures. In 1940 he was awarded an Oscar award as the best picture of the year in the movie "Rebecca." Aldgate Anthony (1994) The cinema has socially and sensitively reflected many major events which are global historical changes that occurred in the 20th century. These changes include noteworthy events that included fall of empires which led to change in direction of historical and cultural development at the end of 19th century. This proves that the development of a society in connection with art rises develops and falls. J and Church -Gibson (1995) The histories of the twentieth century led to the change in attitude of the people and nations which led to the development of the influential art of cinema. Cinema was the most dynamical art since it embodied the development of Grand National awareness in the state. There is a connection of a propaganda literature of the Great Britain and its reflection in the cinema. Adler, A. Jay (2004) The imperialism theme researches of English cinema starts during the fall of the empires and beginning of the struggling of the public of developing countries. It is in 1960s that a margin of great importance is formed in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Argument essay of Epistemology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Argument essay of Epistemology - Assignment Example ing to epistemology focuses on philosophical analyses on the particular nature of knowledge including its relationship with other connected notions like justification and true belief. Many philosophers have raised question of whether the concept of knowledge needs any king of justification for it to be accepted as being true and reliable. It is important to understand that when it comes to epistemology, knowledge that is discussed is often propositional, also referred to as the â€Å"knowledge that.†this kind of knowledge is often separated from the â€Å"knowledge how†as well as â€Å"acquaintance knowledge.†For instance, it is a well known fact that when you add 2+2=4; however, another kind of knowledge often exist like that of knowing another person of oneself, place or something (Comesaà ±a, 2005). This has made some philosophers to suggest that an important distinction exists between â€Å"knowing how,†â€Å"knowing that†as well as â€Å"acquaintance knowledge.†In all these, epistemology seems to be greatly interested in the second one. In this paper, I have attempted to make an argument of whether knowledge that people have over various subjects can be effectively justified. For a long time, justification has often been regarded as one of the major conditions for knowledge. In this case, the theories that have long been used to deny the reasons for justification have often been dismissed as being mere non-starters. Previously, some philosophers had attempted to make the traditional perspective that justification was indeed an essential and necessary condition in the study and understanding of knowledge. This was contrary to the epistemic externalists that suggested that justification was to be replaced and in its place, a more reliable indication that was quite sensitive or any kind of externalist condition. The initial philosophers explained that the concept of replacement was not needed at all, since it was not very necessary. Soon this views were
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